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The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique

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About this business

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1913 NASA Road 1, Pasadena, TX, 77586, United States

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Mon9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tue9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wed9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thu9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Fri9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
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6 months
2.879 reviews
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joyce w.'s profile image
joyce w. 
on Birdeye

7 years ago

After boarding our 12 year old rat terrier with Majestic Pets on NASA Parkway for one week in 2013, she lost 30% of her six pounds... with her ribs showing, was non-responsive to voice commands, and very confused and lethargic. I questioned her condition; they reviewed their records and found no notation of anything unusual. It is unconscionable that staff did not notice her weight loss or lethargic behavior, as it was extreme and very noticeable to the untrained eye. I immediately took Ruffles to Dr. Huber, League City, wh... read more

Joy L.'s profile image
Joy L. 
on Birdeye

7 years ago

I was going to write a detailed review, but I decided to get right to the point: 1. I made it clear how my two dogs were to be fed while they they were boarded for two nights. My orders were totally ignored. They were clearly over fed. 2. When I picked them up they had bloody soft stool, which was a first! We picked them up mid-afternoon and they pooped and pooped and pooped the rest of the day. They even got up once during the night which they never do! 3. I went in and spoke to Dr. Adams, and she clearly could have cared ... read more

Joy L.'s profile image
Joy L. 
on Birdeye

7 years ago

I was going to write a detailed review, but I decided to get right to the point: 1. I made it clear how my two dogs were to be fed while they they were boarded for two nights. My orders were totally ignored. They were clearly over fed. 2. When I picked them up they had bloody soft stool, which was a first! We picked them up mid-afternoon and they pooped and pooped and pooped the rest of the day. They even got up once during the night which they never do! 3. I went in and spoke to Dr. Adams, and she clearly could have cared ... read more

Joy L.'s profile image
Joy L. 
on Birdeye

7 years ago

I was going to write a detailed review, but I decided to get right to the point: 1. I made it clear how my two dogs were to be fed while they they were boarded for two nights. My orders were totally ignored. They were clearly over fed. 2. When I picked them up they had bloody soft stool, which was a first! We picked them up mid-afternoon and they pooped and pooped and pooped the rest of the day. They even got up once during the night which they never do! 3. I went in and spoke to Dr. Adams, and she clearly could have cared ... read more

Frequently asked questions about The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique

How is The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique rated?

The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique has a 2.8 star rating with 79 reviews. 

When is The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique open?

The Majestic Pet Hotel & Boutique is open now. It will close at 6:00 p.m.  

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